Collectible urban vinyl space marine that debuted at Blizzcon.
Collectible urban vinyl space marine that debuted at Blizzcon.
We’re massive fans of “The Law” and Scott jumped at the chance to sculpt a character study of Judge Dredd. Readers of the British comic 2000 AD will recognize his unique silhouette and trademark giant green knee-pads. Green is a notorious color to make look…
John “Spanky” Stokes asked for a smooth DIY version of his hairy mascot. Because we had sculpted the original hairy version digitally, it was simple enough to shave the beast, remove his facial features and clean up the mesh.
October is the most wonderful month of the year. Why? Because it’s “Monstober”. What’s “Monstober”? It’s a daily challenge to design a new monster. While a drawing or sketch would have been acceptable, we went the extra mile and sculpted up a new critter most…
A cute but street savvy rhino character study done as an urban vinyl toy. Created as a digital illustration, sculpted in 3D, and ready to be rapid-prototyped for production and manufacturing. We look up to all the legendary designers such as Tristan Eaton and Jeremy…
Short answer – rarely. But patching up the high poly game asset for print is not too difficult. Detailed high poly game models are used for a few reasons in the game development pipeline. For “next gen” titles, the high poly models are used for…
Tim Stephson is an Austin, Texas based designer and sculptor and we are updating his classic figure for a new vinyl release.
Who likes monsters? Who wants to get their hands on a nice juicy, drippy, lumpy freak named Skullbee? If you’re curious about the magic behind the mischief, grab yourself this file and take a peek. If you’d like to play with the character, go right…
It should be obvious how much we love giant monsters around here. We love giant monster movies, giant monster toys, and giant monster shaped snacks.
Digital sculpt of the an original character by Superdeux, used for production of limited edition fine art statues for a gallery exhibit. Figure was sculpted specifically for output and casting as a resin statue.
No, producing your own toys is not cost effective – but it is fun! There is a tremendous amount of enjoyment and satisfaction to be had if you’re a designer and you make, package and sell your own figures. Keep in mind, while interesting, it…
Here are the limited edition “Iggy” mascots. The good people at Instagram requested a small run to be used as internal gifts. He was designed by JC Rivera and sculpted by Scott Wetterschneider.
Wandering Misfits… …made their debut at San Diego Comic Con. This 11 character blind-box set is from Cardboard Spaceship and is made up of collection of fantastic and fabulous characters designed by Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters from Circus Posterus. The Wandering Misfits series was…
“Bubbie” is a moderately cute little alien. Designing a cute toy that isn’t too childish can be a challenge, and precisely hitting that sweet zone between cute and creepy is a specialty that our designers can manage every once in a while. As far as…
Shinbone makes toys based on fine art, video games, crazy characters AND logos! It doesn’t matter where you find your inspiration, we can help you produce a run of fun collectibles. Concept and design by the supremely talented JC Rivera based on the fantastic Instagram…
There are different rapid-prototyping technologies that print using a variety of processes and materials. The resolution, or the smallest possible detail, is dependent on the specific printer that is being used for generating the physical model. To try and give you some idea of how…
Kathie Olivas has painted up a lovely set of Brandt’s Greeters for her show.
Free monster 3d model? Absolutely, come and get the goober and mess him up. Feel free to print him on your rapid-prototyping machine, if you have one! Feel free to customize him or just take a peek behind the scenes to see how we put…
Digital sculpt of an original character by Mike Sutfin for production as a vinyl figure by Reckless Toys.
This little guy is another character designed to be an urban vinyl style collectible toy. This is a digital illustration rendered to preview how an artist’s paint design would look when the figure is manufactured.