Kaylown has had enough of the big top. He’s turned his back on circus life once and for all. He might be a creepy clown, some might even call him a scary clown, but he has a big heart.
Kaylown has had enough of the big top. He’s turned his back on circus life once and for all. He might be a creepy clown, some might even call him a scary clown, but he has a big heart.
Digital sculpt of Scary Girl by Nathan Jurevicius, produced as a resin fine art multiple. Two versions were produced, one with a bronze finish and the other with a full color paint application.
You can send us pretty much any format – Maya, 3ds Max, Zbrush, Mudbox, Modo, and we’ll clean up and prep the model and make sure that it is watertight, scaled, articulated, cut up for manufacturing, etc. before sending to the printer. The files that…
Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi have just announced their second toy by Shag, the rather debonair Skull Boy. Joe Somers sculpted the lovely vehicle, and Shinbone sculpted the thirsty, boney fellow. This is a render of the digital sculpt that Scott put together for the recent…
A wonderfully designed DIY pinball machine. We’re producing this quarter-sucker in resin.
Sofubi, short for “soft vinyl,” is a type of plastic material used to create Japanese vinyl toys. These toys have captured the hearts of collectors worldwide due to their unique aesthetics and tactile appeal. One reason why we love Sofubi is their ability to be…
Sad Ukelele Dog was sculpted by Scott Wetterschneider and designed by Shinbone’s very talented associate, Matheus Muniz. Muniz is an imaginative and energetic character designer who we love working with.
We’re getting excited about the possibility that this charming little guy just might become a reality. Concept and design by the supremely talented JC Rivera based on the fantastic Instagram logo.
We sculpted up a massive figure for Jeremy “Mad” Madl titled “Modern Hero”. One wonderful thing about digital sculpting is that the sculpts can be easily modified and turned into fresh ideas. Jeremy had us pop off Modern Hero’s head and shrink it down to…
Skull Boy by Shag is SOLD OUT! Congratulations to Squibbles Ink and Rotofugi and Shag! Thank you for letting us work on this wonderful piece with you.
This articulated vinyl figure of DJ Shadow’s mascot was sculpted using digital tools, mostly 3ds Max with a touch of ZBrush. The digital model was printed using rapid-protyping technology and reproduced as a collectible vinyl toy. Sculpts such as this one can be produced in…
If you love a cute little robot then this painting will electrify your cold mechanical heart. This is a reconstruction of an earlier album cover that was made for the Austin indie band Midori Umi. Fully modeled and rendered using unspeakably sophisticated 3d tools, this…
Jared Nickerson at JThree Concepts designed this adorable little fellow and we couldn’t resist turning him into a full three dimensional sculpt.
Madl has produced a very limited run of black Modern Heroes in resin. Designed by Madl and sculpted by Shinbone.
Our digital sculpt of this colorful and generous superhero character was used to create a one-off prototype for use in the “Win One, Give One” campaign by General Mills. The superhero 3d model was rapid-prototyped and hand painted and used as the main character in…
For basic resin reproduction, we can do some fancy footwork and produce a piece with metal axles and resin wheels, but it is tricky and requires a fair amount of assembly. For larger production runs in ABS, we can engineer a fairly standard execution of…
Scott contributed a portrait of a massive fleshy creature to the Guzu Gallery “Strange Beasts” group show in Austin, Texas. This is a snapshot of the work in progress, showing all of the delicious little details that were built.
JC Rivera has designed a wonderfully personal version of the John Hancock Tower in Chicago. Shinbone sculpted the figure and produced the rapid-prototype.
The crew at Shinbone all share a deep love of toy design and we never sleep. This simpering little monkey, or “Minkey”, if you will, demands attention. If you don’t have attention to spare, he’ll accept bananas. “Minkey” is a vinyl toy design for younger…
Yes. We can produce a run of toys from a client’s existing 3d model. There may be a little tweaking involved, or a complete rebuild, depending on the condition of the supplied model. While models built for video games, film, cut-scenes, and print look similar,…